The Karnataka Common Entrance Test is conducted for the purpose of determining the eligibility / merit, for admission of Karnataka candidates to the First year or First semester of full time courses in Medical, Dental, Ayurveda, Unani, Homoeopathy, Naturopathy & Yoga, Engineering, Technology and Architecture courses, in institutions within the State of Karnataka.
In order to obtain admission to any of the professional courses through KEA, a candidate must appear for the Common Entrance Test, which will be conducted by the Karnataka Examinations Authority, Pandalam. The Common Entrance Test will be conducted at various places, spread over Karnataka. Candidates who have studied the Qualifying Examination within Karnataka can write 'CET-2010' in a test centre assigned by the KEA within the district in which the candidate has studied 2 PUC or 12 Standard.
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The Karnataka Private Medical & Dental Colleges Association, in their endeavour to offer an effective, fair and objective testing procedure to determine merit of students seeking admission to the member institutions, have formed "Consortium of Medical, Engineering and Dental Colleges of Karnataka" (COMEDK).
COMEDK has been assigned the task of organizing a common entrance test for the academic year 2010-2011. COMEDK entrance test & publication of test score and rank list will be followed by centralized counseling (Single window system).
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Management Aptitude Test is generally held 4 times in a year in January, May, September and December. MAT is conducted by Centre for Management Services, which is a specialized division of AIMA (All India Management Association). MAT 2010 will be organized in the 1st week of February. Management Aptitude Test, MAT is taken by thousands of MBA aspirants in India. Candidate with a good MAT score can take admission in a reputed and AICTE approved Institutions and University departments. MAT is now even recognized as a National Entrance Test by the Ministry of HRD. A graduate or a final year degree student from a recognized University is eligible to apply for MAT.
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Programme of Action (PoA), 1992 under the National Policy on Education (NPE), 1986 envisaged conduct of a common entrance examination on all India basis for admission to professional and technical programmes in the country. For admission to Engineering and Architecture/Planning programmes, Government of India has laid down a Three - Exam Scheme (JEE and AIEEE at the National Level and the State Level Engineering Entrance Examinations (SLEEE) for State Level Institutions - with an option to join AIEEE). This takes care of varying admission standards in these programmes and helps in maintenance of professional standards. This also solves problems of overlaps and reduces physical, mental and financial burden on students and their parents due to multiplicity of entrance examinations.
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The National Aptitude Test in Architecture (NATA) measures the aptitude of the applicant for specific field of study, i.e. Architecture. The test measures drawing and observation skills, sense of proportion, aesthetic sensitivity and critical thinking ability that have been acquired over a long period of time and that are related to specific field of study, i.e. Architecture. Prospective applicants desirous of taking admission to First year of undergraduate course in Architecture (Bachelor of Architecture) in India take NATA. All schools / colleges of Architecture, Government, and Government aided, University Departments, private unaided, including colleges affiliated to self-financed Deemed Universities and Private Universities, or any department of Architecture within a college, requires that its applicants take the NATA.
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KRLMPCA conducts a separate admission test that is similar to the CET, conducted by the Karnataka Religious & Linguistic Minority Professional Colleges Association under graduate admission test for the year (UG CET) is the first step to take for those seeking admission into 1st year or 1 semester of MBBS/BDS/BE/BArch courses for the academic year under Management Quota
KRLMPCA also conducts an admission test (PG CET) for admission into the Postgraduate degree and diploma courses in Medical and Dental & Engineering studies for the academic year. The test will be the basis for admissions into the colleges run by the member colleges.
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